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Friday, December 24, 2010

Choose Joy

My dear friend Jensen gave me this for Christmas. It is a perfect gift.
In case you don't have your French-English pocket dictionary handy, it means "Choose Joy: because it's all relative."

I talk myself out of joy a lot. I believe a cynical whisper that says joy is far off and I have to work for it before I can have it. I get confused when I see joy in front of me and think it was supposed to look like something else. I think it's not for me, it must be meant for another person. I try not to touch it in case I'm not supposed to. I tell myself that I don't deserve joy. Not just yet. I think I even believe that if I choose joy, I'm just setting myself up for pain later on.

This is all not quite right. And believing this lie makes me not quite right.

I trust a man who said that He came for me so that my joy may be full, so this gift is a beautiful reminder that His joy is available to me whenever I choose to choose it.

You too. Choose joy.


  1. hmmm. soo good.

    choose joy. and then kiss it on the mouth.

  2. Beautifully said. You have managed to articulate what I thought to be an inchoate feeling: reading this clicked something in my brain. Thank you. :)

  3. thats awesome, good thoughts, thanks for sharing.

  4. He also said don't worry, and I will never let you live down the fact that you reminded me of that. :)
