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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i think we need to go on a break

Oh hey, blog.
I know.
I haven't been spending as much time with you as I used to.
It's just that I'm really busy right now. I have a ton of homework and tests every week, and I have to work a lot. I've also...been seeing other people.
See, you're not a real person. And there are some real people in my life who I would rather hang out with. I'm sorry.
I just need a break. It might not be forever, just until I get caught up on all my stuff.

I can't make you a priority right now, and that's all there is to it. I'm sure you'll be ok.
See you around.

And remember, it's not you. It's me.

Monday, February 16, 2009

on sleep

My own human frailty irritates me for a lot of reasons.
I wish I didn't bruise and bleed so much. I wish I could fly to places I need to go instead of getting stuck in traffic and having to pay for gas and oil changes. I wish I could learn without studying. I wish I didn't have to live my life by the clock.

But my biggest irritation, by far, is sleep.
I do NOT understand why we were made to have to sleep so much. In my opinion, sleep wastes so much time that could be spent doing useful things. I hate getting tired.
I've told God how I feel about this. Several times. The conversation goes like this:

Me: "Why do I have to sleep all the time God? Seriously. I don't have much time here. Seventy-five years maybe? I'm going to spend 25 of those years sleeping! I don't get anything accomplished when I'm sleeping! I could be working more, studying more, spending more time with my friends...Why did you make me this way? When I get too much sleep I waste time, when I don't get enough sleep, I can't function. Sleep sucks."

God: " ________"

I'm only being halfway fescetious. I really have spent a lot of time thinking about this.
Then, after more whining prayer, I thought about what life would look like in a practical way if we didn't need sleep. I came to these conclusions.

The Physical:
If we didn't need rest, we wouldn't have beds.
If we didn't have beds, we wouldn't need rooms for beds.
If we didn't need rooms for beds and other resting things--like chairs and couches--we wouldn't need houses to keep them.
If we didn't need houses, we wouldn't have homes.
If we didn't have homes, we wouldn't have families.

The Spiritual:
If we didn't need rest, we wouldn't have a whole day set aside by God specifically for rest. And then we wouldn't go to His house to meet with Him and the friends we have in Him.

And then I read Genesis and clued in to the fact that even God needs to take time to rest (chapter 2 verse 2).
That seems weird to me. I don't understand. He should be able to do whatever He wants, like make the whole world and everything in it, without getting tired.
I'll ask Him about that someday.

I guess I shouldn't resent sleep so much. If God needs to rest, then it can't be a bad thing.
And I guess I need to sleep because I am made in His image. And that's not a bad thing either.

That's all.
Thanks for listening, buddies.

Currently listening to: Hansen. Mbop.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Dear Grandma,
I had no idea you read my blog.
This one is to you.
I love your stories. I pay attention to them, and I remember them. Like the one about when your house was burglarized when Dad was a teenager and you really learned to count it all joy, all the time.
Thank you for flying across the ocean to visit me so many times when I was little. You have no idea how much I looked forward to it, the weeks leading up to your arrival seemed like years until I could finally see you, and you would sit with me and talk to me about whatever I was interested in for hours just so we could spend time together.
You always brought me something new to wear that had flowers on it.
I admire you so much, Grandma. You've lived through many trials and you are just so steady about life and family and faith.
I love you. And I miss you.
p.s: someday when I have dentures, I'm going to take them out and sing silly songs to make my grandkids laugh too.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

tales of a tuesday

Coming to you from History of Christianity class. It appears to my professor that I'm taking notes. I'm not. Please don't judge. I have no idea what's going on here...something about Einsiedeln and Huldrych Zwingli and trans-substantiation. Recall how I feel about this class. Here are some little things I have to report:

  • I now have a 5th roommate.
  • The heat is broken in our house. Imagine those 5 girls running around freezing in layered sweats, constantly tripping breakers with our many space-heaters and blow-dryers going all at once. It's funny.
  • Professor just dropped his notes and half the class woke up.
  • I aced my first Foundations of Logic exam. This is causing a wonderful little identity un-crisis because I have always been terrible at math.
  • Today I will take a break from my film-fast to take in two wonders: Casablanca and Slumdog Millionaire. I won't regret it.
  • My sister is an incredible news reporter.
  • I'm nursing the world's biggest canker sore. According to Rachel, this thing is "gnarly", which sucks because it hurts, however it's causing my whole bottom lip to swell up really big and....I kind of like the look.
  • My friends should be famous.